Edinburgh-based organisation Support@work in collaboration with Ukrainians Together delivered a workshop on employment rights for the Ukrainian community in Dundee.
Carmen Simon and Des Loughney from Support@Work were welcomed to deliver training to the Ukrainian community at the V&A Museum in Dundee. Ukrainians Together provided interpreting during the session and translation of the materials. Also special thanks to Anna Nevmerzhytska from Volunteer Edinburgh who shared some of the translated materials with us.
The course addressed fundamental rights at work. Despite the complexity of employment law in the UK, the course effectively addressed fundamental rights and potential roadblocks that workers may encounter while negotiating with employers. It is crucial to emphasize that understanding your rights is just half of the success; the other half is, of course, negotiating, taking action, getting competent advice, or joining a union to better defend your rights.
The fact that women make up 70% of union members is an intriguing statistic. It also shows that 90% of our Ukrainian group was made up of Ukrainian women. It emphasizes how crucial it is that we focus more on giving women the information and skills they need to obtain protection and fair treatment.
Our community gave the session positive comments, some of which we are sharing here.
If you have questions on employment rights you can call a helpline at 0800 0283 280 or send an email to Carmen Simon at carmenunite@gmail.com
www.gov.uk is a government website where you can search for information by keywords in the search box.
Legal centre for justice and human rights. Access to help is available via helpline at 0800 995 6045 or email ukraine@justrightscotland.org.uk
You can access help in solving conflict situations with the employer. Helpline and interpreters are available at 0300 123 1100. Information about labour rights can be found on the website www.acas.org.uk by keywords.
If you suspect exploitation of any kind contact SOHTIS at enquiries@sohtis.org or the Modern Slavery Helpline at 0800 121 700 (free and confidential 24/7, interpreter available). More information about the organisation can be found at www.sohtis.org. Also, you can install the Unseen app (only in English) on smartphones.
If you want to deliver training for the Ukrainian community or need our assistance please feel free to get in contact at ukrainianstogether.uk@gmail.com. Also, we provide training for organisations and refugee groups on emotional intelligence and well-being, cultural differences and intercultural dialogue, peacebuilding and conflict management.